Thank you for choosing to learn more about our vision, one in which IA (Imagination Architects) will serve as the creative jet-fuel for media organizations, publishers, hospitality organizations, and dynamic, experiential, live events - powering the next frontier of our content-driven economy. Our mission is to provide the world’s most strategically aligned business partners with relevant content, ideas and experiences. These concepts will allow them to grow, scale, and experiment through acquiring uniquely patented, protected and branded IP. All IA concepts may then be accessed, reviewed, and readily deployed at global scale through our remote IAAS (Imagination-As-A-Service) portal.

The IA portal will provide potential partners with an encrypted, private, member-only gateway for IP, allowing each potential partner to identify, consume, and bid/acquire the world’s most unique and original creative works across the industries of TV, Film, Architecture, Literature, and Experiential, among other uniquely defined industry verticals. Each of our concepts will provide partner-centric equity models, which allow our architects, or those who can bridge our imaginative concepts into the physical world-with unmatched access to the world’s most unique content pipeline, which defies any previously known limitations on mediums, regions, and geographic borders- an end-end evaluation, partnering, and development process, which is facilitated by technology.